
OMS-MISO RA Survey: Potential 14-GW Capacity Deficit by Summer 2029
A relatively low turnout of constructed capacity in recent years could deepen a potential 1-GW capacity deficit in summer 2025 to more than 14 GW by summer 2029, MISO and OMS revealed in a five-year projection.
Aurora Energy Research
Report Shows Wide Range of Data Center Demand Scenarios for Virginia
Growing demand from Northern Virginia’s Data Center Alley could outpace the power industry’s ability to keep up, according to a new report by Aurora Energy Research.
EIA: Dispatch of Coal Generation Falls in PJM
Analysis from EIA finds the average runtime for PJM coal-fired generators has declined sharply over the past decade because of increasing fuel and start-up costs.
public domain
Counterflow: Fusion is Getting Increasing Attention
Renewable resources generally are not dispatchable. Fusion is getting increasing attention as a possible salvation.
Fagen, Inc.
FERC Issues Show-cause Order on TO Self-funding in 4 RTOs

The proceedings will look into the practice by MISO, PJM, SPP and ISO-NE of allowing transmission owners to self-fund network upgrades needed to bring generation online, saying the practice may amount to favoring TOs over interconnection customers.

D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
DC Circuit Upholds NYISO 17-year Amortization Rule
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld FERC’s approval of a key NYISO capacity market price determinant that the state utility regulator says could raise costs by hundreds of millions of dollars per year. 
UniSource Energy
Critics Call out Ariz. Commission for ‘Troubling’ Precedent
Arizona regulators are under fire for decisions on the expansion of a UNS gas-fired plant and third-party IRP audits.
Basin Electric Power Cooperative
FERC ALJ Lambastes Basin Electric’s Business Practices
A FERC administrative law judge found that Basin Electric Power Cooperative improperly included the costs of a for-profit gasification business in its wholesale electricity rates.
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MARC 2024 Displays Mixed Feelings on Transition Feasibility
The 2024 Mid-America Regulatory Conference showcased a tug-of-war of positivity and cynicism over meeting growing demand with a fleet that should evolve faster to meet clean energy goals.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Wins FERC Waiver of MISO Interconnection Rules on Coal-to-Solar Plan
FERC authorized an exception to MISO’s interconnection rights transfer process, allowing two Xcel Energy subsidiaries to cooperate on a replacement of a coal-fired plant with a solar farm.

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