With the days of endless cheap hydropower in Québec coming to an end, and the Northeastern U.S. hoping to rapidly scale up intermittent renewables, the two regions may be forced to fundamentally reconsider the role of hydropower on the grid.
ISO-NE's capacity prices cleared at $3.58/kW-month in FCA 18, a nearly $1 increase over last year.
House Republicans lambasted a deal that the Biden administration struck between Oregon, Washington and four tribes on four dams along the Snake River.
CAISO’s net energy exports have increased sharply this year, with imports being displaced by increased output from California’s hydroelectric and natural gas resources.
Serge Abergel of Hydro-Québec touted the potential benefits of using hydropower to balance out wind power and reduce curtailment instead of simply using hydropower as base load.
FERC approved a transmission asset swap between Idaho Power and PacificCorp as part of the companies’ plans to develop a 300-mile-long, 500-kV line.
The Ninth Circuit rejected a challenge to the Bonneville Power Administration's decision to lower rates from conservation groups, who argued more funding should have been directed to fish and wildlife protection.
FERC sided with Brookfield Renewable in the company’s complaint against the RTO. The IEP is intended to compensate resources for storing extra fuel.
Two key pieces of New York City’s clean energy future are taking shape along the East River waterfront.
Idaho Power asked FERC to overturn a $700,000 fine for what it called a minor metering mistake that had no real impact on the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
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