March 10, 2025

Natural Gas

Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC OKs WEIM Changes for Washington Cap-and-trade Costs
The Western EIM tariff changes allow generators to include the costs of GHG compliance associated with Washington’s cap-and-trade program in their energy bids.
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PJM MIC Briefs: Feb. 8, 2023
PJM's MIC deferred a vote on adopting a problem statement and issue charge to discuss combined cycle modeling in the market clearing engine.
Natural Gas Prices Add $4B to CAISO Electricity Costs
Soaring natural gas prices in December and January increased CAISO electricity costs by $4 billion, prompting the governor to ask FERC to investigate.
Rhode Island PUC Grapples with Future of Gas
The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission held a conference on issues surrounding natural gas distribution infrastructure as the state moves toward net zero.
U.S. House of Representatives
New House GOP Majority Moves to Aid Fossil Fuel Sector
House members squared off over a set of proposals from the new GOP majority to lessen environmental and other regulatory barriers to domestic energy production.
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Top Energy Trade Groups Highlight 2023 Goals at USEA
Top leaders from Washington, D.C. and energy trade groups gathered in person for the U.S. Energy Association's Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum.
New York State Senate
Natural Gas Debate Heats up Hearing on CAC Scoping Plan
Members of the New York Climate Action Council continued the debate over the future of natural gas at a Senate hearing on implementing the CAC’s scoping plan.
Green Groups Seek to Block NY Power Plant Sale to Crypto Miner
Environmental groups appealed the New York Public Service Commission’s approval of a cryptocurrency miner’s purchase of a gas-fired power plant.
FERC Approves Pipeline Expansion Despite New Jersey’s Worries
FERC approved an expansion of a major pipeline to serve the East Coast despite doubts about its need by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
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PJM Gas Generator Failures Eyed in Elliott Storm Review
PJM expects to issue at least $1 billion in penalties over generation outages in December, when plummeting temperatures stretched the region to its limits.

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