Onshore Wind
Unable to reach a compromise with ERCOT on inverter-based resource ride-through requirements after months of negotiations, stakeholders have managed to push through a potential rule change over the grid operator’s objections.
While their net-zero emission targets might not kick in until the 2030s, the power industry already is dealing with the issues they create, panelists said at the Electric Power Supply Association’s Competitive Power Summit.
The Washington Post’s warning that “America is running out of power” lacks context and distracts us from the real work at hand, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
New Jersey's grid upgrade bill would require each of the state’s four electric utilities to develop and implement a plan to modernize the electric transmission and distribution system.
Utility executives told state regulators that natural gas and nuclear power will be part of the electric mix for decades as the industry decarbonizes.
Advanced Energy United has released a scorecard that ranks the seven domestic ISO/RTOs on their generator interconnection processes, finding room for improvement in every one.
ISO-NE's capacity prices cleared at $3.58/kW-month in FCA 18, a nearly $1 increase over last year.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that fossil fuel generation retirements will slow in 2024 and that solar and storage will dominate capacity additions.
PPL plans to invest $14.3 billion in capital spending from 2024 to 2027, which would strengthen reliability and resiliency while enabling more clean energy and keeping a lid on costs for customers.
ERCOT stakeholders are moving closer to taking action on a tabled rule change that would address the reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.
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