Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Advanced Energy United
NV Energy Should Do More to Tap VPP Potential, Report Says
NV Energy's virtual power plant market potential could grow from an estimated 134 MW this year to 1,230 MW in 2035, according to a new analysis.
MISO Sets Sights on 50% Peak MW Cap in Annual Interconnection Queue Cycles
MISO plans to pursue a more straightforward, 50% peak load megawatt cap to limit the number of generator interconnection requests it will accept annually.
© RTO Insider LLC
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 16-17, 2024
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed recommended revision requests from two stakeholder groups as part of the RTO’s effort to strengthen resource adequacy.
© RTO Insider LLC
Demand Growth Takes Center Stage at NARUC Summer Policy Summit
The return to demand growth in the electric power industry has been a major theme this year, and it dominated the discussion at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit.
Jakec, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Talen Energy Deal with Data Center Leads to Cost Shifting Debate at FERC
Talen Energy’s deal to carve out capacity from its Susquehanna Nuclear Plant to serve a growing data center on its site drew protests at FERC from other parties who argued the deal and others like it could shift costs and threaten reliability. 
NYISO Studying How to Update IRM Calculation to Account for Offshore Wind
The New York State Reliability Council’s mathematical model for calculating the state’s installed reserve margin every year will need to be updated as more offshore wind and major transmission lines come online, NYISO told stakeholders. 
© RTO Insider LLC 
MISO Leadership Issues Urgent Call for In-Service Dates
MISO’s system is at the mercy of faster interconnections of new resources and retirement delays, executives said in a quarterly address to the board and stakeholders.
Potomac Economics
NEPOOL Holds Summer PC Meeting amid New England Heat Wave, Climate Protests
NEPOOL held its annual summer Participants Committee meeting in New Hampshire during a multiday stretch of extreme heat and high demand on the New England grid.
© RTO Insider LLC
MISO Members Stress Need for Speed to Manage Load Growth, EPA Carbon Rule
Members of MISO’s Advisory Committee emphasized that all players in the footprint need to act swiftly to position themselves for “hyperscale” load growth and the EPA’s new carbon rule.
Western Power Trading Forum
Stakeholders Call on CAISO to Take Larger Role in Reliability Planning

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