March 10, 2025


The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
NERC Seeks to Oversee SPP Reliability Compliance
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the RTO’s board and Members Committee that NERC is proposing it replace SERC as the compliance monitoring authority for the RTO.
LaFleur Offers Views on SPP-Mountain West Integration
FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur visited the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and discuss the Mountain West Transmission Group’s desire to join SPP.
SPP Market Monitor: Negative Prices May Require Rule Changes
SPP’s Marketing Monitoring Unit says it is concerned with a “marked increase” in the frequency of negative price intervals.
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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee decided it will respond to FERC’s request for a definition of “resilience,” rather than turning the effort over to a task force.
Colorado Public Utilities Commission
SPP, Mountain West Resolving ‘Contentious’ Issues
The integration of the Mountain West Transmission Group into SPP is on track to meet its October 2019 consummation timeline.
SPP Stakeholders Still Struggling on BTM Reporting
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee continued to hash through the difficulties of reporting behind-the-meter load.
SPP Working to Respond to FERC’s Quick-Start Directive
SPP told members how it will respond to the FERC order that found the RTO was suppressing investment signals by not allowing quick-start resources to set LMPs.
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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: Jan. 16-17, 2018
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee unanimously approved adding a major maintenance cost in mitigated start-up and no-load offers.
Commission OKs SPP Price Corrections
FERC approved the request from SPP to issue price corrections and resettlements stemming from the OPPD retirement of its Fort Calhoun nuclear plant.
ERCOT, SPP Extend Winter Peak Records
Another wave of arctic cold in the South has ERCOT and SPP revising their winter peak records.

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