Markets+Other SPP CommitteesSPP Board of Directors & Members CommitteeSPP Markets and Operations Policy CommitteeSPP Regional State CommitteeSPP Seams Advisory GroupSPP Strategic Planning CommitteeWestern Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS)
The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
SPP staff agreed to bring stakeholders a strawman proposal addressing concerns over the RTO’s transmission planning policy for energy-only resources.
KCP&L is fulfilling its promise to take legal action against SPP for how the RTO allocates costs to customers after a new transmission owner joins a zone.
SPP began the public portion of integrating the Mountain West Transmission Group with a pair of lively stakeholder meetings in Colorado and Arkansas.
FERC rejected SPP’s request to remove its day-ahead must-offer requirement, saying the RTO had not provided “sufficient support” for the Tariff revisions.
SPP stakeholders discussed a recent AEP complaint filed at FERC against the RTO and MISO related to overlapping congestion charges for pseudo-ties.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed cost allocation for its seams project with Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
FERC has approved SPP’s request to change the frequency of its regional cost allocation review (RCAR) from every three years to every six.
FERC rejected a request by several SPP members that they be exempted from congestion and marginal loss charges under a grandfathered contract.
Officials remain optimistic about MISO’s interregional transmission planning process with SPP despite its failure to produce a single project.
Mountain West Transmission Group said it has completed initial discussions about RTO membership with SPP’s management team and will begin public negotiations through its stakeholder process.
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