January 15, 2025


The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
SPP Panel OKs Changes to Competitive Transmission Process
The SPP Strategic Planning Committee endorsed the Competitive Transmission Process Task Force’s recommendations for improving the competitive solicitation process for transmission projects under FERC Order 1000.
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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs
The SPP Strategic Planning Committee discussed behind-the-meter generation and the Lubbock migration to ERCOT.
SPP Briefs
The Southwest Power Pool Exit Study Task Force, formed to provide technical support and advice regarding the Lubbock Power & Light move to ERCOT, conducted its first meeting last week.
FERC: SPP Treating P2P Customers Unfairly on Congestion Rights
FERC rejected proposed SPP Tariff revisions, saying they would unfairly favor network transmission customers over point-to-point customers in how the RTO awards congestion rights.
SPP Briefs
A task force developing cost allocation rules for Southwest Power Pool (SPP) seams projects identified outside the FERC Order 1000 interregional process agreed to take another crack at crafting language more agreeable to stakeholders and staff.
SPP Seeks Feedback on Transmission Studies at Engineering Summit
SPP’s engineering staff updated members on the RTO’s current regional and interregional transmission studies during an engineering summit.
Board Approves Z2 Timeline Extension, Creates Task Force for Further Study
The SPP Board of Directors agreed to give transmission customers an extra 50 months to pay their Z2 bills while also creating a new task force to address complaints of members.
SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee Briefs
Less than a year after enjoying a 2-cent reduction in SPP’s administrative fee, the RTO’s members are now facing the prospect of a 4-cent hike for 2017.
FERC Calls for Changes to Protect SPP Market Monitoring Unit Independence
SPP executives had “inappropriate” involvement in the oversight of its Market Monitoring Unit (MMU), FERC says in an audit report that calls for changes.
SPP MOPC Recommends 5-Year Timetable for Resolving $849M Z2 Bill
More than five hours of presentations and stakeholder discussions over two days did little to resolve SPP’s albatross of Z2 credits.

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