CAISO dove into Track 3 of its Interconnection Process Enhancements initiative as staff and stakeholders grappled with how to solve problems related to allocating transmission plan deliverability.
CAISO scored a geographically small but symbolically significant victory with the announcement that two Black Hills Energy subsidiaries will move to the ISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market.
FERC is considering additional changes to its rules on generator interconnections, with a technical conference set for Sept. 10-11 that saw pre-conference comments filed this week.
National Grid’s Upstate Upgrade is a portfolio of more than 70 projects announced in March that will continue through 2030 at a cost of more than $4 billion.
Consumers and electric distributors in PJM opposed a proposal to revise two financial parameters used to calculate the cost of new entry input to the 2027/28 Base Residual Auction.
The D.C. Circuit ruled in favor of Pacific Gas and Electric in the latest twist in a nearly two-decade dispute with the San Francisco over a distribution system wheeling contract between the two entities.
ERCOT’s rule change to the Nodal Operating Guide that imposes voltage ride-through requirements on inverter-based resources has been partially approved, but much work remains.
Infocast’s inaugural Midcontinent Clean Energy summit provided panelists a pulpit for critiquing MISO’s interconnection queue setup as it strains under the weight of hundreds of gigawatts intended to further fleet shift and meet load growth.
FERC rejected without prejudice Basin Electric’s proposed cryptocurrency and large load rate schedules, saying it had not demonstrated that such loads pose a greater stranded asset risk.
A major multiday energy storage project in central Maine intended to ease congestion is moving forward thanks to $147 million in federal funding.
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