Transmission Operations
A report from the Virginia legislature released shows how quickly data centers are growing in the state and addresses how to meet that demand, with some suggestions for policymakers.
BPA hit all its reliability goals in fiscal year 2024 despite massive wildfires, peak load records and public safety power shutoffs, according to agency staff.
Powerex intends to terminate a large portion of its rights on PacifiCorp’s transmission system in response to the utility’s plans to update its transmission tariff to align with CAISO’s EDAM.
Most stakeholders support a proposal before FERC to exempt energy projects developed by federally recognized Native American tribes from deposits and other fees in the generator interconnection process.
ISO-NE’s regional energy shortfall threshold will rely on a pair of metrics intended to capture the intensity and duration of energy shortfall risks in extreme weather scenarios, the RTO told the NEPOOL Reliability Committee.
Massachusetts lawmakers and industry members must double down on efforts to rapidly scale up new renewable technologies to meet the needs of the energy transition, speakers at the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association’s Energy Innovation Forum emphasized.
EIA data on utility capital spending over the past 20 years shows that an increase in distribution and transmission spending outweighed declines in generation spending.
Stakeholders are split on whether FERC should adopt additional changes to its generator interconnection rules, or focus on implementing Order 2023 while letting specific regions go further on their own, according to comments filed after a September technical conference.
Stakeholders want MISO to develop a smaller, congestion-relieving transmission study after this year’s near-term congestion study focused on how best to sequence transmission outages needed for construction of long-range transmission projects.
A nonprofit that wants to invest up to $1 billion into PG&E's transmission system received approval to join CAISO as a participating transmission owner.
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