September 29, 2024

Transmission Planning

Overheard at NE Energy Vision Tx Planning Tech Forum
Energy officials in New England are concerned that ISO-NE’s transmission planning process cannot adapt to the evolving resource mix.
Nev. Bill Would Spur Tx, Clean Energy Buildout
Nevada lawmakers are planning to introduce an array of clean energy bills this legislative session, including a measure to expand electric transmission.
Tx Planning Must Be ‘Highly Coordinated,’ Regulator Says
A NARUC-NASEO task force released a suite of transmission planning resources designed to help stakeholders unify their processes.
MISO Fostering Alternatives to MTEP Projects
MISO is seeking ways to modify its annual transmission plan and make it easier for stakeholders to suggest alternatives to TOs’ project proposals.
Long-term Tx Plan Edges Out MISO GI Coordination
MISO announced it will table the effort to analyze network upgrades and wait until the end of the year to see how its long-term transmission plan develops.
NYPSC OKs Clean Energy Programs, Local Transmission Planning
The New York Public Service Commission approved several programs to speed up the state’s transition to renewable energy.
CPUC Triples Resource Projections for CAISO Tx Plan
The California PUC approved a massive increase to its resource-needs projections, which CAISO will use in its transmission planning process for 2021/22.
SPP Board to Consider Controversial Kansas Project
SPP said it will schedule a special Board of Directors meeting to consider Evergy’s request to restudy a competitive project in southeastern Kansas.
MISO Recaps 4 Years of Renewable Study
A study finds that MISO can reliably operate with a fuel mix heavy on renewables, but only if its members dramatically expand transmission.
Tx Planning in Boston Collides with Climate Goals
Massachusetts residents & officials debated the need for a new substation in East Boston, saying the projected increased load could be met with renewables.

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