September 29, 2024

Transmission Planning

FERC Rejects GridLiance Local Tx Planning Proposal
FERC rejected GridLiance High Plains’ proposal to conduct local transmission planning for nonpublic SPP utilities outside of the company’s service territory
SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: Jan. 27, 2021
The SPP Board of Directors formally recognized the MOPC’s revamped structure by approving the revised scopes for the committee’s various subgroups.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Jan. 27, 2021
PJM stakeholders at the MRC rejected two proposals aimed at addressing a dispute over black start units' capital recovery factor.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 27, 2021
Staff told the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee that it will be asked next month to sunset the RTC Task Force and instead focus on the Passport Program.
MISO Closes Loophole for Late-stage Interconnection Projects
A new FERC rule says MISO interconnection customers with signed agreements can no longer abandon generation projects without assuming financial risk.
MISO Annual Transmission Spending Tracks Downward in 2021
The cost of MISO’s 2021 Transmission Expansion Plan is set to ring in substantially below last year’s spending level, the RTO said at a planning meeting.
New FERC Rules Sought on Transmission Planning
A group of former FERC chairs said the commission should issue new transmission planning rules to help decarbonize and provide resilience & energy security.
SPP Adds Decarbonization Future to 20-year Study
SPP staff and stakeholders have added an accelerated decarbonization future to the RTO’s 20-year long-term assessment.
New York PSC OKs Utility Storage Deployment, Cost Recovery
The New York PSC approved filings by the state's utilities implementing cost recovery and sharing plans with ratepayers for storage resources.
NY Grid Study Pushes Meshed OSW Transmission, Coordination
New York state energy agencies released a study urging faster permitting, planning and approval processes to build transmission to accommodate renewables.

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