September 30, 2024

Transmission Planning

FERC Partially Approves DP&L Tx Rate Incentives
FERC partially accepted Dayton Power and Light’s transmission rate incentives request, requiring more information on its petition for an RTO participation adder.
PJM MRC Briefs: Aug. 20, 2020
PJM members approved two changes to the RTO’s market efficiency project planning process while rejecting a third to create a new regional targeted MEP process.
ERCOT: Transmission Constraints an Emerging Issue
Renewable energy’s proliferation has played a key role in helping ERCOT meet demand, but is also beginning to cause transmission constraints.
Study: Southeast RTO Would Cut Rates, Emissions
Southeast utilities could cut electric rates and emissions by joining an organized market, according to an Energy Innovation Policy & Technology study.
Coastal States Seek Balance on Offshore Wind
East Coast state officials with offshore wind goals said they are trying to balance the urgency of projects with the potential economies.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: Aug. 20, 2020
SPP identified a couple potential joint projects with MISO but none with Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
MISO Pledges More Cost Allocation Work After Overhaul
MISO is not resting after FERC recently accepted its transmission cost allocation plan, promising more such work on long-term and interregional projects.
FERC Rejects Exelon’s Mystic Complaints Against ISO-NE
FERC rejected Exelon’s complaint against ISO-NE’s request for proposals for competitive transmission projects addressing reliability needs in the Boston area.
MISO Board Primed for 1st Major Interregional Project
MISO’s Board of Directors is expected next month to approve MISO and PJM’s first major interregional transmission project.
NY PSC Gets Update on Tx Planning, Investment Efforts
The New York PSC heard a progress report on a grid study to identify transmission upgrades and investments needed to meet clean energy goals.

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