September 30, 2024

Transmission Planning

MISO Processing Heftiest Interconnection Queue Ever
MISO is juggling several transmission planning activities as it faces a cascade of new gigawatts in its interconnection queue.
Maine Court Rejects Referendum on Tx Project
Maine’s Supreme Judicial Court ruled that a proposed voter referendum on the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line is unconstitutional.
FERC Accepts PJM TOs’ End-of-life Revisions
FERC accepted PJM Transmission Owners’ Tariff amendments governing end-of-life projects, a proposal that was hotly contested by stakeholders.
FERC Greenlights MISO Storage-as-Tx Proposal
MISO’s first rule set for storage resources functioning as transmission assets passed muster with FERC, though James Danly opposed the plan.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Aug. 4, 2020
PJM's Planning Committee endorsed the use of a 13-year load model with data from 2002-2014 for the 2020 reserve requirement study.
FERC Report Touts High-voltage Benefits
Development of new high-voltage transmission lines could provide benefits for the U.S. electricity system, FERC said in a recent report.
New York Ponders Planning an Offshore Grid
A new study estimates New York would save $500 million through a planned transmission strategy for its next 7,200 MW of offshore wind.
NEPOOL Reviews `Future Grid’ Study Requests
NEPOOL members are trying to cull and combine nine proposals for the Transition to the Future Grid study that ISO-NE has agreed to perform.
SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: July 28, 2020
SPP‘s Board of Directors approved a recommendation that resolves uncertainty over the weighting of futures in the 2021 transmission planning assessment.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: July 29, 2020
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee approved a standard contract term for emergency response service and some energy storage to use internal sensors.

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