September 30, 2024

Transmission Planning

UPDATED: PJM Files EOL Proposal over TO Protest
PJM filed the joint stakeholders’ end-of-life proposal with FERC, turning aside the protests of most of its transmission owners.
CapX2050 Prompts MISO Focus on Midwest Tx
MISO will conduct a more thorough study of transmission capacity needs in the Upper Midwest in response to utilities behind the independent CapX2050 planning study.
UPDATE: TOs Demand PJM Reject EOL Proposal
PJM transmission owners demanded that the RTO refuse to submit to FERC the end-of-life proposal approved by stakeholders.
Bulk Tx, 115-kV Upgrades Needed for NY 70×30 Goal
NYISO will need to expand its bulk transmission and some low-voltage lines to meet New York’s 2030 climate goals, according to the ISO's latest CARIS.
New Yorkers Plug New Tx Need for Clean Future
Renewable energy experts and grid planners joined government officials to discuss how to address New York’s outdated transmission system.
MISO Unveils 1st Proposal to Consolidate Tx Planning
MISO proposed requiring upgrades needed by generation projects to reach certain voltage and price levels before they can be tested for cost-sharing eligibility.
MISO Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: June 24, 2020
MISO temporarily backed off requiring load-serving entities to provide the location and capacity values of distributed energy resources for planning models.
Gen. Owners, Other Suppliers Key to EOL Win
Records and interviews with stakeholders indicate the June 18 vote that could open PJM's end-of-life transmission planning to competition resulted from intense lobbying.
FERC Rules Against Anbaric in OSW Tx Order
FERC denied Anbaric Development Partners' request for an order directing PJM to allow developers of offshore transmission “platforms” the ability to obtain injection rights.
SPP Briefs: Week Ending June 19, 2020
SPP is facing a two-month delay in gaining FERC approval of the Tariff for its Western Energy Imbalance Service market, staff said.

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