Transmission Planning
PSEG announced its proposed route for the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project, a core component of the $5 billion in grid reinforcements the PJM Board of Managers approved in December 2022.
U.S. electric utilities have been caught “flat-footed” by the impending demand for electricity, Wood Mackenzie asserts in a new report.
The New England states are planning to solicit project proposals to increase the region’s north-to-south transmission capacity, the New England States Committee on Electricity said.
Utilities and grid operators urged caution on new dynamic line rating requirements while state regulators, consumers and grid enhancing technology firms said they want the mandates.
Responding to an appellate court’s concerns about free ridership, FERC reversed a decision that allowed the WestConnect transmission planning region to include a category of participants not subject to binding cost allocation.
MISO is hesitant to grant a request from Michigan to give dispensations to distributed energy resources from its mandated affected studies that gauge transmission system impacts.
Although it’s largely compliant with the directives of FERC’s Order 1920 on regional transmission planning, MISO intends to seek a yearlong extension of the June 2025 compliance deadline.
FERC Order 1920 eventually may provide a structure for long-term, interregional transmission planning, but its anticipated yearslong implementation could mean states will have to lead in planning nearer-term transmission needs, according to a report from the American Council on Renewable Energy and The Brattle Group.
The commission received dozens of comments on its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking that would require broad use of dynamic line ratings across the U.S. transmission grid.
Dominion Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan calls for major expansions of offshore wind, solar power and natural gas to meet surging demand in its territory.
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