Transmission Planning

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FERC Order 1920 No Guarantee New Transmission Will be Built
Different industry stakeholders have estimated it may take five to 10 years for FERC Order 1920 to have any major impacts on transmission planning.
Pattern Energy
ERCOT, PUC Adamant: Southern Spirit Doesn’t Interconnect Texas
ERCOT and the Public Utility Commission have both knocked down recent media claims that a proposed HVDC transmission link between Texas and its Louisiana and Mississippi neighbors will bring the state’s grid under FERC jurisdiction.
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PJM Stakeholders Endorse Coalition Proposal on CIR Transfers
The PJM Planning Committee endorsed a coalition proposal to rework how generation owners can transfer capacity interconnection rights from a deactivating unit to a new resource.
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Clean Grid Alliance Wants MISO Market Participation Rules for HVDC
Clean Grid Alliance is asking MISO to incorporate rules for HVDC into MISO’s energy and ancillary services markets.
RMI, VP3 Report Lays out Growth Case for Virtual Power Plants
Virtual power plants can help the power grid deal with some of its most pressing issues, such as meeting rising demand and helping to integrate more renewables affordably. 
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FERC’s Rosner Talks Priorities at American Clean Power Association
FERC Commissioner David Rosner told members of the American Clean Power Association that one of his main goals is to successfully manage the energy industry’s transition.
Maryland: The State Where ‘Transmission Has Come to Die’
Debating the impact of FERC's Rule 1920, Abe Silverman of Johns Hopkins told states to "codify, codify, codify" their energy policy goals and policies to ensure PJM has to take them into account in compliance.
Panel Calls for Greater Interregional Planning Across the Northeast
Unlocking the full potential of Quebec hydropower to balance renewables through the Northeast will require major efforts to overcome barriers to transmission planning, according to speakers at a webinar led by the Acadia Center.
Report Examines Grid Planning for Building Electrification
The new report argues that discussions about building electrification largely leave out one key issue: how to prepare the grid for the higher demand and new consumption patterns associated with the shift.
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NYISO Working Group Meeting Briefs: Oct. 1-2, 2024
NYISO proposed to increase the Rate Schedule 1 carryover to $5 million, while the Installed Capacity Working Group discussed different ways to incentivize transmission security via the markets.

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