Transmission Planning

CAISO Board Approves Moving Forward with SWIP-N Transmission Line
The CAISO Board of Governors unanimously approved changes to the Southwest Intertie Project-North, a 285-mile, 500-kV line in Nevada that would enable access to Idaho wind resources, despite opposition from Gem State residents.
Jim Richmond, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
DC Circuit Affirms FERC Ruling on Seabrook Circuit Breaker Dispute
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed FERC’s ruling that NextEra Energy is responsible for replacing the circuit breaker at its Seabrook Station nuclear plant to accommodate the interconnection of the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line.
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
NJ Offshore Infrastructure Plans Spark Electromagnetic Fears
With data centers, electric vehicles and population growth, electricity demand in New Jersey could soar to 15,000 GWh in the coming years, state officials said at a public hearing on a new plan for connecting offshore wind projects to the grid.
Long Road Still Ahead for Aroostook Transmission Project
A proposed transmission project to relieve transmission constraints in Maine has received a major boost with the U.S. Department of Energy’s announcement of an up-to $425 million investment in the project, but challenges still remain.
DOE Funding 4 Large Tx Projects, Releases National Tx Planning Study
The Department of Energy announced two actions to support the expansion of the transmission grid: investing up to $1.5 billion in four specific projects around the country and releasing the final National Transmission Planning Study. 
Office of Gov. Gavin Newsom
Newsom Signs Bundle of Grid-related Bills from 2024 Session
The bills signed by the California governor cover rules around transmission approval, GETs, grid reliability standards and bi-directional EV charging.
FERC Approves CAISO Plan to Streamline Interconnection Process
FERC approved CAISO's proposal to streamline its generator interconnection process to deal with the “unprecedented volume” of interconnection requests it received in 2023.
American Transmission Co.
Cardinal-Hickory Creek Line Fully Energized 13 Years After MISO Approval
Thirteen years after it was recommended by MISO, the 102-mile, $655 million, often-controversial Cardinal-Hickory Creek line is completely in service.
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The Buzz at NCEW: The Election, Permitting and IRA Tax Credits
With the presidential election five weeks away, the fate of permitting reform and the Inflation Reduction Act were top of mind for attendees and speakers at the National Clean Energy Week Policymakers Symposium.
Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Approves Permian Reliability Plan
Texas regulators have approved ERCOT’s reliability plan for the petroleum-rich Permian Basin that could rely on the state’s first use of 765-kV transmission facilities.

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