Transmission Planning
MISO has multiple planning topics to tackle on the horizon, with work involving an update of merchant HVDC interconnection procedures, making expedited transmission project reviews more manageable, and evaluating co-located load and generation seeking interconnection.
The ongoing debate around Order 1920 and its pending rehearing requests continued at FERC’s monthly open meeting, a day after it came up at a House oversight hearing.
MISO plans to pursue a more straightforward, 50% peak load megawatt cap to limit the number of generator interconnection requests it will accept annually.
At full strength for the first time since the beginning of last year with the addition of Judy Chang, all five FERC commissioners appeared at a House oversight hearing during which representatives questioned them on Order 1920.
Sens. Joe Manchin and John Barrasso introduced long-planned legislation on energy project permitting that would increase FERC’s power to approve new electric transmission.
NYISO’s Business Issues and Operating committees met to discuss and vote on updates to the ISO’s Ancillary Services manual.
The return to demand growth in the electric power industry has been a major theme this year, and it dominated the discussion at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit.
MISO’s $25 billion, mostly 765-kV long-range transmission package for the Midwest region is nearing finalization, while the Independent Market Monitor continues to doubt the necessity of the projects.
A band of Michigan utilities wants the option to decline MISO’s affected system-style studies on distributed energy resources.
Panelists at a forum convened by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Federal and Regional Energy Affairs said advanced transmission technologies will be essential to limiting transmission costs.
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