September 24, 2024

Transmission Planning

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Overheard at EBA Mid-Year Energy Forum 2022
The EBA's Mid-Year Energy Forum featured talks on hot topics in energy law, including West Virginia v. EPA, the IRA, supply chain issues & hydrogen regulation.
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Can New Revenue Models Unlock Interregional Transmission?
New ways of paying for transmission could increase interregional transfer capacity and improve reliability, speakers told the EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
Transmission Owners, RTOs Defend Planning, Cost Control Practices
Transmission owners found themselves on the defensive throughout FERC's technical conference on transmission planning and cost management.
FERC Tech Conference Highlights Regulatory Gaps on Transmission Oversight
FERC's technical conference highlighted gaps between the commission, state regulators and RTOs in their oversight of transmission planning.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Oct. 4, 2022
The PJM Planning Committee voted by acclamation to endorse the results of the 2022 Reserve Requirement Study.
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Stakeholders Endorse MISO’s Final MTEP 22
The final form of the MISO 2022 Transmission Expansion Plan earned a hesitant nod from the stakeholder-led Planning Advisory Committee.
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NYSERDA Seeks 1-Year Delay for Tier 4 RECs
NYSERDA has requested another year to set up the system of renewable energy credits that is part of the state’s plan to bring clean energy into New York City.
States Urge More Transparency on Tx Planning, Independent Monitors
State regulators and consumer advocates urged FERC to order increased oversight over transmission owners' planning and spending.
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MISO, PJM Down to 2 Possible TMEPs
MISO and PJM have cut their list of possible targeted market efficiency projects down to two for 2022.
Raab Associates
Glick Backs Changes to Federal Infrastructure Permitting
Opponents of a proposal to ease the permitting of energy infrastructure ignore how current rules hobble renewables, FERC Chairman Richard Glick said.

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