September 24, 2024

Transmission Planning

NE States Seek Comment on Offshore Wind Interconnection Plan
A coalition of five New England states issued an RFI asking for comments about how to interconnect the gigawatts of offshore wind in development.
Library of Congress
5th Circuit Finds in Favor of NextEra’s ROFR Appeal
A federal appeals court has ruled that Texas’ right-of-first-refusal law violates the dormant Commerce Clause, granting NextEra's appeal of the legislation.
Xcel Energy
MISO Gathering Stakeholder Input on LRTP Cost Allocation
MISO is collecting stakeholder suggestions on what design elements it should include in a new cost allocation for future projects in its LRTP.
MISO Recommends Lower Distribution Factor to Address Congestion
To decrease congestion, MISO is suggesting a tighter limit on how much new generation can affect the surrounding grid without triggering more network upgrades.
MISO Cancels Hartburg-Sabine Competitive Project
A MISO staff planning committee has determined that the $130 million, 500-kV Hartburg-Sabine Junction project in East Texas is no longer necessary.
Roger Merchant
Maine Court Ruling Gives New Life to Contentious Transmission Line
Maine’s highest court on Tuesday ruled that a referendum blocking the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line may have been unconstitutional.
Platte River Power Authority
SPP Briefs: Week of Aug. 22, 2022
Colorado utility Platte River Power Authority is the latest Western utility to express intent to evaluate participation in SPP's RTO West.
MISO, SPP Propose 90-10 Cost Split for JTIQ Projects
MISO and SPP have laid out a percentage-based cost allocation for their $1-billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission study.
Entergy Rebuts Criticism of its Tx Planning
Entergy countered claims recently made to FERC that it is purposefully undermining transmission planning in MISO South.
NYISO 20-Year Forecast Highlights Generation, Tx Hurdles to Climate Goals
NYISO will have to add zero-emission generation and transmission at an unprecedented pace to meet New York's climate goals, according to a new study.

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