September 28, 2024

Transmission Planning

Colorado Gov. Signs Bipartisan Bill to Support Interstate Transmission
Gov. Jared Polis signed Senate Bill 72, an infrastructure and transmission bill that would require utilities with transmission facilities to join an RTO.
SOO Green
SOO Green Seeks Participation in PJM RTEP Process
Direct Connect Development Co. filed a complaint with FERC that PJM’s tariff and Operating Agreement are unjust and unreasonable.
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New Bill Would Tackle Transmission Cost Allocation
The Efficient Grid Interconnection Act would require FERC to revise rules on cost allocation and push RTOs and ISOs to consider grid-enhancing technologies.
In Maine’s GridMod Movement, Innovating on Flexibility Gains Traction
A growing interest in grid flexibility looks beyond demand management to accommodate and balance distributed generation and loads.
NextEra Energy
MISO Leadership Says Transmission Expansion, Market Redefinition ‘not Optional’
MISO execs say long-term transmission and a capacity market redesign are a must in response to rising climate risks and fleet change.
SPP Accrues Another $13.25M in M2M Settlements
SPP accrued $13.25 million in market-to-market settlements from MISO for April, pushing its total to $146.63 million since the process began in 2014.
Nevada Office of the Governor
Many Next Steps to Follow Passage of Nevada Energy Bill
The Nevada governor’s office will soon be inviting interested parties to apply for a seat on a new task force that will advise the governor and lawmakers on bringing the state into an RTO. The Regional Transmission Coordination Task Force is the product of Senate Bill 448, a wide ranging energy bill that Gov. Steve …
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FERC Sets Federal-State Taskforce to Spur New Transmission
FERC will create a task force with state regulators to spur increased transmission, a recognition of Order 1000's failure to produce any interregional projects.
Eversource Energy
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: June 16, 2021
The ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee heard updates on the RTO's Regional System Plan and the preliminary results of a transmission planning study.
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FERC Rejects SPP’s Cost-allocation Waiver Proposal
FERC rejected SPP's proposed Tariff revision establishing a cost-allocation waiver process related to the RTO's highway/byway methodology.

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