Transmission Rates
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to endorse a proposal to create an expedited process to study some interconnection requests.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to implement a multiday economic commitment process, agreeing with the MMU that it introduces a potential gaming opportunity.
Powerex intends to terminate a large portion of its rights on PacifiCorp’s transmission system in response to the utility’s plans to update its transmission tariff to align with CAISO’s EDAM.
Massachusetts lawmakers and industry members must double down on efforts to rapidly scale up new renewable technologies to meet the needs of the energy transition, speakers at the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association’s Energy Innovation Forum emphasized.
To ensure a cost-effective energy transition, stakeholders must approach transmission planning holistically and avoid piecemeal investments, panelists argued during the NARUC Annual Meeting.
EIA data on utility capital spending over the past 20 years shows that an increase in distribution and transmission spending outweighed declines in generation spending.
Change is coming to FERC after Tuesday's election, but the policies the agency oversees are rarely top of mind during campaigns, so it is unclear how much will be different.
Exelon CEO Calvin Butler told investors the utility's data center forecast has increased about 80% during an earnings call.
Utilities and grid operators urged caution on new dynamic line rating requirements while state regulators, consumers and grid enhancing technology firms said they want the mandates.
FERC continues to fiddle with the return on equity MISO transmission owners can earn, this time setting the base amount at 9.98% while once again eradicating the risk premium model from the calculation.
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