September 28, 2024

Company News

FERC Orders Settlement Procedures on NY Utilities’ Tx ROE Filing
FERC ordered two New York utilities into settlement procedures over their proposed 10.87% ROE on upgrades to meet the state’s renewable energy goals.  
TransCanyon LLC
‘Missing Pathway’ Advancing Through Approval Steps in West

The proposed Cross-Tie transmission project is moving through the federal approval process with a targeted in-service date in 2027.

Wabash Valley Power Alliance
FERC Rejects Wabash Valley Contracts, Sets Tariff for Proceedings
FERC issued an order rejecting supply contracts Wabash Valley Power Alliance had filed and set its tariff for hearings to determine whether it violates the commission's unbundling rules.
Former Ohio PUC Chair Charged with Bribery
Former PUCO Chair Sam Randazzo pleaded not guilty to charges that FirstEnergy paid him $4 million in bribes before his appointment to aid the utility.
Potomac Economics
After One Year, SEEM Still Drawing Criticism
Critics of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market say after a year of operations, it has failed to meet many of the promises of its sponsors.
Groups Say Partially Approved LG&E-KU Plan Signals Fleet Transition
Community groups are hailing the Kentucky Public Service Commission’s decision to reject a proposed gas plant from LG&E and KU while greenlighting multiple planned solar installations and coal plant retirements.
Duke Energy
North Carolina Regulators Combine Duke’s IRP with Carbon Plan
North Carolina regulators approved the combination of Duke Energy's "carbon plans" to implement state law requiring net zero emissions by midcentury with its standard integrated resource plans for the sake of regulatory efficiency.
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NRG’s Gutierrez Steps down as CEO, Director
Mauricio Gutierrez has stepped down as NRG Energy’s CEO, an apparent victim of a push by activist investor Elliott Investment Management to reshape the organization’s leadership.
Dominion Energy
Report Questions Dominion IRP’s Call for New Natural Gas Plants
A report funded by Chesapeake Climate Action Network questioned Dominion's plans for new natural gas in its pending IRP.
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FERC Rejects Tri-State’s Exit Deal with United Power
FERC found that Tri-State did not demonstrate that United's withdrawal agreement was just and reasonable under the Federal Power Act.

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