September 30, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

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State Regulators Weigh in on New England Pathways Study
Utility regulators from Maine and Massachusetts shared their thoughts on the path forward on Pathways.
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Energy Storage ‘Just Scratching the Surface’ Despite Supply Challenges
Despite current supply chain problems, energy storage is just beginning to capture its potential, developers told the RE+ Southeast conference.
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Clogged Queues, Need for Tx Draws Packed Crowd at EBA
Anxiety over clogged interconnection queues and the need for more interregional transmission loomed large at the Energy Bar Association’s annual meeting.
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Southern Co. Takes Heat over SEEM, Opposition to RTO
A Southern Co. official gamely defended the Southeast Energy Exchange Market in a debate at the RE+ Southeast conference with three RTO proponents.
Pattern Energy
SunZia Transmission Project: Not a ‘Unicorn,’ but not ‘Repeatable’
A transmission developer's 16-year odyssey to deliver New Mexico wind to California is a cautionary tale with implications for the nation’s climate policy.
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EBA Panel Hits FERC Pipeline Permitting
The gas industry said FERC's permitting policies could chill development while an environmentalist called the agency's decisions “lazy” during an EBA panel.
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Response to Russian Invasion Undermining Budget Reconciliation Effort, Former Murkowski Aide Says
Bipartisan efforts to craft a response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are threatening tax breaks for renewables and storage, a former Senate aide told EBA.
Rhodium Group
Counterflow: We’re Going to Need a Plan B
With time running out to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, columnist Steve Huntoon says we need to give geoengineering a chance.
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CREPC-WIRAB Weighs Western Transmission, Markets
The CREPC-WIRAB spring meeting focused on regional markets and transmission planning in the West, including FERC's recent transmission planning NOPR.
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Offshore Wind Conference Highlights NY, NJ Transmission Plans
As the U.S. offshore wind industry prepares to put steel in the water, it is paying increasing attention to how it will deliver its power to load centers.

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