October 5, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

Lazard Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis
Huntoon argues that offshore wind is in reality anti-wind because it is cost ineffective. One of his source's is Lazard's Levelized Cost of Energy.
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DOE Rejects NARUC Invites on Coal, Nuke Bailout
Department of Energy officials rejected invitations to talk at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit, claiming weather problems and schedule conflicts.
State Regulators Hear Challenges, Promise of Electrification
The promise of electrification was a recurrent theme at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit, which attracted more than 800 regulators, utility officials and others.
NARUC Talks Innovation at the ‘Water-Energy Nexus’
NARUC President Jack Betkoski has made the “water-energy nexus” the centerpiece of his year as head of the state regulators.
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Gas Industry Plays Defense at NARUC Meeting
The natural gas industry found itself on the defensive at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit as panelists debated pipelines’ resilience and cybersecurity.
Rocky Mountain Institute
How Long a Bridge for Natural Gas?
A study by the Rocky Mountain Institute found that the combination of renewables and storage is already cheaper than natural gas peakers in some regions.
NJ Regulator Threatens to Exit PJM Amid States’ Complaints
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President Joe Fiordaliso is so exasperated by PJM that he’s considering pulling the state from the RTO.
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MACRUC Poses Choice: Markets or Preferred Resources?
Panels at the MACRUC annual summer education session focused on nuclear subsidies and the impact of state policy initiatives on power markets.
Overheard at New York Renewable Energy Conference
Artificial intelligence, transmission needs and markets versus mandates topped the discussion at the Renewable Energy Conference in New York.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Rewiring Grid Modernization
Maggie Alexander of Smart Wires examines regulatory frameworks in the U.K. and Australia that she says incentivize innovation for electric utilities.

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