September 30, 2024

Conference Coverage

Utilities Urged to Improve EV Charging Efficiency
Utilities need to offer electric vehicle rate designs that will encourage customers to use EVs most efficiently, said Rachel Gold, director at ACEEE.
Net Metering Reform Means Asking New Questions
Panelists at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Winter Policy Summit discussed the benefits and challenges of net energy metering.
Order 2222 Testing Planning, Communications
FERC’s directive to open wholesale markets to aggregations of DERs is forcing states to consider more holistic system planning.
Energy Sector Inclusion Efforts Vital, Panelists Say
Panelists at a Northeast Energy and Commerce Association webinar said the energy sector’s efforts to improve diversity, equity and inclusion are critical.
Heard at NASEO: Make Net-zero Grid a Priority
Speakers at NASEO's annual conference said state policymakers should make decarbonizing the grid a top priority for achieving national climate goals.
States Working out the Details of Getting to 100%
Officials from Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey and Virginia spoke about their top priorities for 2021 at the Energy Storage Association Policy Forum
Glick: These 4 FERC Priorities Will Affect Energy Storage
FERC Chair Richard Glick told the Energy Storage Association one of his priorities is to further break down barriers for storage in the capacity markets.
McCarthy to NASEO: State Energy Targets Matter
The Biden administration aims to support the work states are doing to eliminate harmful emissions, White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy said.
Overheard at Conn. LCV Environmental Summit
The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters held its annual environmental summit, discussing the TCI-P and a planned natural gas power plant.
Business Group Seeks to Triple Clean Energy R&D Funding
A group of utility CEOs and other business leaders said the U.S. should triple federal funding for clean energy innovation to $25 billion annually.

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