September 30, 2024

Conference Coverage

US, Canada Experts Talk ‘Net Zero’ at Ontario Conference
U.S. energy leaders crossed the virtual border to Canada to share updates with APPrO at its annual energy and networking conference.
Offshore Wind Looks at Crowded Future in New England
Offshore wind growth challenges are starting to appear as several large projects move toward completion in the mid-2020s, officials said.
Experts: New Ontario Capacity Market Can Learn from US
Ontario’s nascent capacity market could take advantage of lessons from the U.S., experts said during APPrO's annual conference.
Officials Discuss Future of ISO-NE During Summit
Panelists, including ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie, discussed the future of the RTO on the last day of the New England Energy Summit.
Overheard at NECA’s 19th Power Markets Conference
NECA held its 19th Power Markets Conference virtually, featuring three panels discussing the impacts of renewable energy integration.
Overheard at New England Energy Summit
The New England Energy Summit kicked off the second of three virtual sessions with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse touting carbon pricing.
Overheard at the CPES Fall Conference: CEO Viewpoints
Three energy industry CEOs shared their thoughts on New England’s electric transformation at CPES’ virtual fall conference.
Overheard at the Texas Energy Summit
Texas may be a red state on election day, but it’s producing a lot of green for renewable energy developers, panelists said during the Texas Energy Summit.
House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
‘No Time for Unicorns’ on Climate, Ill. Rep Says
Rep. Sean Casten, who previously worked as a clean energy consultant, said his transition from the private sector to Congress in 2018 was “surreal.”
FERC, DOE, Interior Seen as Keys to Biden Climate Plan
FERC, DOE and the Interior Department will be central to advancing President-elect Joe Biden’s climate goals, speakers told ACORE's Grid Forum.

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