Advanced Energy United (AEU)

Dominion Energy
Dominion Releases ‘All of the Above’ Integrated Resource Plan for 2024
Dominion Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan calls for major expansions of offshore wind, solar power and natural gas to meet surging demand in its territory. 
EMC Enineering Services
New England Clean Energy Developers Struggle with Order 2023 Uncertainty
The suspension of ISO-NE's Order 2023 implementation due to FERC's inaction has caused uncertainty and stress for some clean energy developers in New England.
Exelon, Constellation at Loggerheads over Data Center Co-location
The dispute between Exelon and Constellation Energy continued to play out in FERC, as the latter and others protested a series of filings from the former’s utilities seeking to implement new rules for co-locating data centers at power plants in their territories
© RTO Insider LLC 
California GETs Bill Gets Newsom’s Signature
California's governor has signed a bill that proponents say will speed the deployment of grid-enhancing technologies — techniques that can rapidly boost grid capacity and increase the use of renewable resources.
Could Virtual Power Plants Replace Natural Gas Peakers?
Virtual power plants could provide the same dispatchability and reliability as traditional centralized power plants, allowing customers to cut energy bills and emissions.
SEEM Opponents Push Back on Supporters’ Claims
SEEM's opponents argued that FERC should recognize the market as a loose power pool and regulate it accordingly.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
AEU Webinar Highlights Potential Queue Improvements
Speeding up the interconnection queues is becoming more important as demand growth and the retirement of existing generators combine to cut into reserve margins around the U.S., experts said during a webinar hosted by Advanced Energy United.
JIRSA Hedrick
Colorado PUC Adopts Rules for Utility Participation in Markets
Colorado’s investor-owned utilities must compare available alternatives when asking regulators for approval to participate in an RTO or ISO, but not to join a day-ahead market.
Michigan Governor's Office
AEU Presses Call for Streamlined State Permitting
Advanced Energy United has offered core policy considerations to speed the process and held a webinar to show how state-level efforts to streamline permitting have progressed. 
NetZero Analysis: Industry Leaders Share Frank Views on the IRA at 2
To gain a deeper understanding of how the IRA is being implemented, NetZero Insider invited several industry leaders to talk about their views on the law.

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