January 22, 2025

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Calif. Officials ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ on Summer Reliability

State energy officials are “cautiously optimistic” about maintaining grid reliability during the upcoming summer, with California poised to benefit from above-normal snowpack and precipitation coupled with the probability of mild conditions in its coastal regions.

NV Energy
NV Energy to Join CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market
NV Energy plans to make its intention to join the CAISO EDAM public on May 31 when it files an integrated resource plan with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada.
CAISO, WEIM Boards Approve Proposal to Raise Offer Cap
CAISO’s Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body unanimously voted to approve an expedited proposal to increase the ISO’s soft offer cap from $1,000/MWh to $2,000.
FERC Forecasts High Temperatures, Flat Prices for Summer
This summer should bring high temperatures and electricity demand but flat power prices as cheaper fuel offsets heavy load, according to a FERC assessment.
CAISO Moves for Expedited Change to Soft Offer Cap
CAISO is proposing to raise the soft offer cap in its market from $1,000/MWh to $2,000 to accommodate the bidding needs of battery storage and hydro resources in time for operations this summer.
Calif. Grid Equipped for Summer, CAISO Says
CAISO officials are optimistic about the grid’s performance this summer, as the system has added 4.5 GW of nameplate capacity since September with another 4.5 GW on the way.
CAISO’s Capacity Procurement Mechanism Inefficient, Stakeholders Say
Lack of visibility into the contract and availability status of the fleet is causing “inefficiencies” in CAISO’s capacity procurement mechanism process, staff and stakeholders said. 
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SPP’s Stakeholder Process Attracts Markets+ Participants
SPP says its stakeholder-driven culture is key to Markets+' success in the Western Interconnection.
WEIM Q1 Benefits Report Adds to NW Cold Snap Debate
CAISO’s first-quarter benefits report offers another footnote to the debate over the market’s role in the response to the January deep freeze that brought parts of the Northwest to the brink of rolling blackouts.
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Pathways Initiative to Act Fast on ‘Stepwise’ Governance Plan
Backers of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative say they want to move quickly on first part of their proposed plan to shift CAISO’s governance to an independent entity.

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