capacity accreditation

HDR Inc.
MISO Set on March Accreditation Filing, Stakeholders Push for Slowdown
MISO said it has landed on a final design in its quest to move to a sweeping capacity accreditation that will better measure generators’ availability based on predetermined risky hours.
Analysis Group
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 11, 2024
Analysis Group presented its final report on converting ISO-NE's Forward Capacity Market to a prompt, seasonal construct.
NYISO Finds No Need for New Capacity Zones
The ISO's New Capacity Zone study indicates that New York's six highway interfaces have sufficient transmission capacity, making establishment of new capacity zones unnecessary.
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MISO Year in Review: 2023 — and Likely 2024 — Dedicated to Deflecting Reliability Issues
MISO juggled several projects over 2023 designed to fend off imminent reliability problems and will keep up the multitasking in 2024.
NYISO BIC Stakeholders OK Modeling, Market Design
NYISO’s Business issues Committee approved testing of dynamic reserves, changes to the LCR optimizer, and new capacity accreditation rules.  
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NECA Conference Focuses on Changes to ISO-NE Capacity Market
Potential changes to ISO-NE's capacity market include updates to its resource capacity accreditation (RCA) methodology, along with prompt and seasonal capacity market formats.
© RTO Insider LLC
PJM Files Capacity Market Revamp with FERC

Comments are due Nov. 3 on PJM’s proposal, which it said would improve reliability and incentivize resource development while controlling costs.

DTE Energy
MISO Defers Unpopular Capacity Accreditation Filing, Remains Committed to Design
MISO said it will push back a contentious filing for a new, marginal approach to capacity accreditation into early next year.
ISO/RTOs Oppose Call for Capacity Accreditation Tech Conference
A call for FERC to run a technical conference on capacity accreditation ran into a mixed reception, with the ISO/RTO Council saying it is too regional of an issue for the idea to have an impact.
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PJM Members Lobby Board Ahead of Expected CIFP Filing
PJM members recommended various avenues for the RTO's Board of Managers to consider as it weighs a possible FERC filing incorporating components of proposals made during the critical issue fast path process.

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