construction work in progress (CWIP)
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings into a Missouri electric distribution cooperative’s effort to split from the Wabash Valley Power Association and earn rates on its own as a transmission owner in MISO.
FERC approved two incentives Pacific Gas and Electric requested to support work it will undertake with LS Power for four transmission projects included in CAISO’s 2021/22 transmission plan.
FERC approved two transmission incentives requested by Southern California Edison that would offset potential costs associated with building the Del Amo-Mesa-Serrano and Lugo-Victor-Kramer projects.
FERC OKd Dairyland Power Coop’s requested rate incentives for the Wilmarth-North Rochester-Tremval project, a 169-mile line spanning Minnesota and Wisconsin.
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie used orders on two transmission projects to blast the commission’s “ridiculously generous” incentives.
Tensions are building between NIPSCO and the Citizen Action Coalition of Indiana over the utility's proposal to build a new natural gas peaking plant.
FERC approved LS Power’s request for rate incentives for the first competitive project surfacing from MISO’s long-range transmission plan.
FERC approved Northern Indiana Public Service Company’s request for transmission incentives on two lines it is building under the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan.
The agency approved a package of transmission rate incentives for NV Energy’s $2.5 billion Greenlink Nevada project.
FERC granted two sets of incentives to Dayton Power and Light for transmission upgrades across Ohio.
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