September 29, 2024

Consumer Advocates of the PJM States (CAPS)

Members Near Vote Over PJM, IMM Black Start Fuel Requirements
Capping four years of discussions and analysis, PJM held a first read of competing fuel assurance rule changes for black start resources from PJM and the IMM.
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PJM TOs, Consumer Advocates at Odds over DEA Inquiry
PJM consumer advocates and transmission owners appear headed for a showdown over a proposed review of the RTO’s use of designated entity agreements.
PJM Stakeholders Table WVa PSC Attendance at Liaison Committee
PJM stakeholders tabled a vote on allowing the West Virginia PSC to observe the Liaison Committee, a private forum between members and the RTO's board.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: April 8, 2021
The PJM Operating Committee discussed COVID-19 vaccinations for staff and the February winter storm emergency in the Midwest.
Members Endorse Charter for PJM PIEOUG
Members of PJM’s Public Interest and Environmental Organizations User Group unanimously endorsed a new charter for the stakeholder body.
PJM Consumer Advocates Seek New Venue for CIP Talks
PJM’s consumer advocates proposed changing the venue for discussions on NERC’s reliability standard on critical transmission facilities.
PJM to Work with States on Policy Goals in New Group
PJM has created a new group to work with states to advance energy initiatives like offshore wind and grid security.
PJM Remains Neutral in CIP-014 Debate
PJM won’t take a side between transmission owners and load interests over the TO proposal on substations and other assets from NERC’s CIP-014-2 list.
PJM TO Tariff Filing Stirs up Transparency Concerns
PJM stakeholders are concerned that a proposed Tariff filing by transmission owners could undermine FERC-ordered transparency rules for certain projects.
Tensions Boil over on PJM’s Supplemental Projects
Tension among PJM sectors boiled over after members once again deferred a vote on proposed manual revisions regarding supplemental transmission projects.

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