October 1, 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs)

Experts Say Mass. EV Drivers Need Strong Incentives for Off-Peak Charging
A group of policy experts and consumer advocates want Eversource and National Grid to consider providing deeper incentives for off-peak EV charging.
Oregon DEQ
Report Details Challenges for Meeting Oregon ZEV Goals
Current trends suggest that Oregon will come up short of its ZEV adoption goals over the next decade, but near-term policy developments could salvage them.
University of Hawaii at Manoa
‘Charge Up Hawaii’ Seeks to Pinpoint EV Charging Needs
In an effort to gauge community desire for EV charging stations, Hawaiian Electric launched a website asking for public input on charging station locations.
SACE Reports Record Year for EVs in Southeast
In a second annual progress report, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said 2020 was a watershed year for electric vehicle growth in the Southeastern U.S.
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Sanders Praises Grassroots Climate Activism in Vermont Towns
Sen. Bernie Sanders assured Vermont energy committees that the budget reconciliation bill would provide the funding they need for climate initiatives.
Electric Truck Efficiency Depends on the Driver
The importance of training electric truck drivers accustomed to diesel systems was a focus of the last webinar hosted by NACFE and RMI.
Port NY-NJ Cites ‘Hurdles’ to Employing EV Trucks
The Port of New York and New Jersey will need to overcome multiple obstacles to grow its electric truck fleet significantly beyond the handful it has now.
Pitching Proposals for the Budget Reconciliation Bill
Congress may be on summer break, but clean energy advocates are busy with recommendations for the budget reconciliation bill.
NJ Backs EV Incentive Program for Local Government
Citing UN's dire warnings on climate change, BPU President Fiordaliso says, program aims to help local governments set the right example and direction.
EV Growth Prompts Need for Managed Charging
Managed-charging strategies emerge as incentives intended to encourage EV owners to charge during off-peak hours create late-night surges in power use.

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