March 10, 2025

extreme weather

NYISO: Prepared for Heat Dome Scorching New York
NYISO said it is prepared to meet demand during an extreme kind of heat wave called a heat dome that is already spiking temperatures to near 100 degrees Fahrenheit in western New York.
FERC OKs MISO Settlement Rules for Widespread Tx Outages

FERC ruled that MISO can apply new settlement practices to generators physically disconnected from the grid during extensive transmission outages triggered by extreme events.

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Extreme Weather Workshop Hit by Extreme Weather
Severe thunderstorms knocking out power to 1 million Texans did not stop attendees at a NERC-EPRI workshop on a draft standard addressing extreme weather’s effects on transmission planning.
Admin Monitor
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: May 23, 2024
CenterPoint Energy says it has reduced the number of outages following May 16's devastating derecho from 922,000 to nearly 15,000.
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ISO-NE Provides Update on Potential New Resource Adequacy Metric
ISO-NE outlined its current thinking on a potential Regional Energy Shortfall Threshold at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee.
NERC Expecting Tight Summer Conditions
The ERO says the grid could face challenges during periods of extremely high temperatures this summer.
Western Power Pool
WRAP Participants Seek 1-Year Delay to ‘Binding’ Operations
Citing “significant new headwinds” to securing energy resources, participants in the Western Resource Adequacy Program are seeking to delay the program’s “binding” penalty phase by one year, to summer 2027.
DOE Urges Utilities to Embrace ‘Holistic’ Reliability Solutions
With electricity demand expected to undergo rapid acceleration by 2028, stakeholders must “pursue the full range of technology, planning and operation solutions” to meet resource adequacy needs, the DOE said in a report.
WEIM Ends 2023 Exceeding $5B in Benefits
CAISO’s WEIM last year hit $5.05 billion in benefits for its members since its inception in 2014, continuing the positive trend of growth tied to an expanding Western footprint.
DOE Planning up to $70M in Energy Resilience Investments
The Department of Energy is seeking recipients for up to $70 million of investments into energy resilience.

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