extreme weather
CAISO's Department of Market Monitoring explained that self-scheduled exports to support stressful conditions led to the declaration of emergency alerts in July.
After years of low load growth, U.S. grid planners now predict a sharp increase in electric demand, according to a report by consulting firm Grid Strategies.
NYISO’s new 10-year reliability plan finds no “actionable reliability needs,” but warns of narrowing reliability margins.
ISO-NE presented the final stage of its Operational Impact of Extreme Weather Events study to stakeholders at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee on Nov. 14.
FERC and NERC called for completing winterization standards and strengthening natural gas infrastructure in response to widespread outages last Christmas.
MISO has enacted conservative operations, a hot weather alert and a capacity advisory for its Midwest region ahead of a widespread heat wave set to bake the U.S. this week.
The summer 2027 results from the ISO-NE and EPRI joint study on extreme weather impacts on grid reliability found no risk of energy shortfall with or without the Everett LNG import terminal.
The committee discussed future energy deficiencies in New York City, NYISO's demand curve reset and impacts from extreme weather in the region.
FERC approved new rules intended to strengthen the grid against both extreme heat and cold weather events.
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
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