Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FERC denied LS Power’s two petitions for recovery of costs in case the development of a 285-mile transmission line is abandoned, saying the developer failed to adequately show the project’s benefits.
FERC voted unanimously to launch a review of data center co-location issues in PJM that will look into whether the RTO’s tariff needs to be revised to ensure grid reliability and fair costs to customers.
FERC approved four proposed reliability standards: three relating to inverter-based resources and one for extreme weather planning.
More than six months after the proposed August 2024 effective date for ISO-NE’s compliance with FERC Order 2023, generators seeking to interconnect in the region remain in limbo.
FERC Chair Mark Christie put President Trump's executive order on independent agency actions in the context of how the commission has always interacted with the White House, but also said he will seek more clarity on how the order affects the commission.
FERC approved PJM's annual update to its tariff’s cost responsibility assignments for transmission projects set to be completed in 2025.
FERC approved a suite of changes to PJM's next couple of capacity auctions, which are meant to mitigate billing impacts as the supply-demand dynamic in the region tightens and longer-term reforms are pursued.
Board members have directed MISO to seek guidance on the role of the Independent Market Monitor in transmission planning following a year of IMM David Patton criticizing MISO’s nearly $22-billion long-range transmission portfolio.
FERC approved a one-time measure by PJM to add up to 50 new projects to a cluster of projects to be studied beginning in April.
FERC took the rare step of formally noticing potential discussions with DOJ anti-trust officials over Alabama Power's proposed purchase of a Tenaska power plant.
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