Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FERC accepted SPP tariff revisions that will allow certain transmission facilities’ costs to be entirely allocated on a regional postage-stamp and cost-by-cost basis.
Severe thunderstorms knocking out power to 1 million Texans did not stop attendees at a NERC-EPRI workshop on a draft standard addressing extreme weather’s effects on transmission planning.
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to revise how capacity obligations for serving large load additions are calculated to limit capacity assignments to areas where the LLAs are forecast to actually interconnect.
FERC upheld the contract termination payment rules for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association it approved last year, though it modified some of its original order in response to requests for clarification.
FERC denied a rehearing request and partly adopted a clarification request by Constellation Energy related to a challenge to the fixed costs associated with the Mystic cost-of-service agreement.
FERC directed ISO-NE to submit an additional filing to specify its metering and telemetry practices for distributed energy resource aggregations.
FERC found SPP’s tariff revisions laying out how it determines its planning reserve margin methodology only partly met the commission’s order on rehearing and directed an additional compliance filing.
FERC approved a new reliability standard aimed at improving the security of communications between control centers.
This summer should bring high temperatures and electricity demand but flat power prices as cheaper fuel offsets heavy load, according to a FERC assessment.
Former FERC Chair Richard Glick faced off against his old colleague, Commissioner Mark Christie, over FERC Order 1920 in the general session of the Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners’ annual summit.
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