Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FERC is moving to grant a solar developer’s request to force the Arizona Electric Power Cooperative to allow interconnection.
Market monitors from all six FERC-jurisdictional ISO/RTOs endorsed calls for a NERC-like gas reliability organization.
ISO-NE is pursuing an alternative compliance pathway on FERC Order 2023 regarding storage resource interconnection, hoping to sidestep the need for “control technology,” the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
FERC has granted NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest’s request to recover 100% of “prudently incurred costs” on a transmission project in New Mexico if the project isn't finished for reasons beyond its control.
The New York PSC asked a federal appeals court to overturn FERC’s approval of NYISO’s 17-year amortization period in its installed capacity market.
Transmission developers discussed the obstacles to getting their projects permitted and built, but also focused on successes, with a strong focus on community and stakeholder engagement.
Comments are due Nov. 3 on PJM’s proposal, which it said would improve reliability and incentivize resource development while controlling costs.
A major focus at the Energy Bar Association meeting was on how to ensure reliability and affordability as the grid transitions to a cleaner future.
The Energy Bar Association's Mid-Year Forum illustrated greater collaboration between than the electric and natural gas industries than normal.
MISO agrees that it should relax onerous transmission service requirements for energy storage resources charging from the grid.
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