Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
NYISO at the inaugural IITF meeting presented a new proposal to reform its interconnection queue processes while complying with directives set out in FERC Order 2023.
U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said that while a lot of progress has been made, getting to a fully decarbonized economy is going to require new technologies.
The Western Power Pool floated a plan to revamp transmission planning in the West to spur development of the kind of large-scale transmission projects FERC’s Order 1000 has failed to produce.
PJM agreed to reduce its nonperformance penalties 31.7% for generators that could not meet their capacity obligations during the December 2022 winter storm.
ISO-NE plans to request independent entity variations related to its operating assumptions for storage resources and the cluster study timeframe.
PJM's Board of Managers has adopted a variant of the RTO annual capacity market CIFP proposal, which includes changes to risk modeling, accreditation and capacity performance.
FERC and DOE have plans in place they might have to use this weekend in the event Congress fails to fund the federal government, forcing its closure.
FERC remained dissatisfied with PJM’s and SPP’s FTR credit policies, while ending inquiries into those of CAISO, ISO-NE and NYISO.
MISO is off the hook as far as having to conduct annual cost-benefit analyses for its major transmission projects, FERC has ruled.
FERC issued an order that J.P. Morgan Investment Management qualified as an affiliate of Mankato Companies and IIF US Holding 2, through which it is tied to other firms including El Paso Electric.
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