September 28, 2024

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

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NJ Senate Energy Committee Backs PJM Interconnection ‘Skip’ for Solar
New Jersey’s Senate Environment and Energy Committee passed a bill supporters said would allow grid-scale solar projects of up to 20 MW to bypass PJM’s interconnection queue and connect to the grid through their local utility.
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FERC Preparing Multiple NERC Decisions
FERC will consider several items touching on the ERO Enterprise at June 27 open meeting.
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Order Expected on Complaint Against PJM over ELCC Resource Accreditation
FERC is expected to issue an order during its June open meeting on a complaint alleging PJM violated its Reliability Assurance Agreement when accrediting intermittent resources.
Talen Energy
FERC Orders Settlement Judge Procedures in Two PJM Generator Deactivations
FERC has established settlement judge procedures to consider the validity of rate schedules filed by Talen Energy to continue operating its Brandon Shores and H.A. Wagner generators past their retirement date.
MISO Readies JTIQ Filings, Hints at More Tx Portfolios with SPP
Two years after announcing its $1.8 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission portfolio with SPP, MISO is putting final touches on FERC filings to make it happen.
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FERC Accepts Results of New England Capacity Auction
FERC has accepted the results of ISO-NE’s forward capacity auction 18, finding the auction was run according to the rules of ISO’s tariff and protests submitted by climate activists were outside the scope of the proceeding.
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FERC Order 1920 Sees Wide-ranging Rehearing Requests

FERC has received rehearing requests on Order 1920 ranging from stakeholders who just want to see a few tweaks, to those who prefer the commission trash the entire order and start over.

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Order 1920 Rehearing Requests from States Seek Bigger Role in Tx Planning
The states that filed for a rehearing of FERC Order 1920 on transmission planning and cost allocation either argue the federal regulator is overstepping its authority or want changes to the order to ensure it doesn’t upset ongoing regional planning efforts.
FERC Requests Briefings on SEEM After DC Circuit Order
FERC requested stakeholder arguments on whether SEEM should be considered a loose power pool under Order 888.
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Clements Says Order 1920 Will Help States, not Usurp Authority
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said Order 1920 will make it easier for states to address the changes facing the industry.

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