September 29, 2024

Federal Power Act (FPA)

FERC Panelists Talk Cyber, Grid Transformation Challenges
At FERC’s annual reliability technical conference, commissioners focused on work needed to prepare the bulk power system for rapidly developing challenges.
FERC Rejects PJM’s Reserve Deployment Proposal
FERC rejected PJM’s plan to change its handling of synchronized reserve events, saying it would likely result in higher prices and over-procurement.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs: Aug. 9, 2022
Stakeholders urged PJM to delay action on generation deliverability testing until rules on capacity interconnection rights for ELCC resources are complete.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: July 27, 2022
PJM members approved a change to the Consensus Based Issue Resolution process and received briefings on options for capacity auction parameters.
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PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs: June 29, 2022
At the first in-person MRC meeting since the pandemic, PJM faced opposition to proposals regarding FERC filings and a change to the capacity offer cap.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Accepts ISO-NE’s MOPR Transition Plan
FERC reluctantly accepted ISO-NE’s plan to remove its minimum offer price rule after a two-year transition period.
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PJM MOPR Challenge May Set Legal Precedent on FERC Deadlocks
Legal challenges to the PJM MOPR do not just concern the RTO and its capacity market; they could set a precedent for how courts review tie votes at FERC.
© RTO Insider LLC
FERC Conditionally Accepts Rockland Electric’s ROE Adder in PJM
FERC conditionally accepted Rockland's proposed return on equity and transmission revenue requirement, subjecting both to further hearing.
Entergy Regulators Ask FERC to Settle Grand Gulf Dispute
Three regulatory bodies are demanding an explanation for FERC’s apparent delay in addressing a complaint about the management of a Mississippi nuclear plant.
Environmental Groups Appeal SEEM in DC Circuit
Opponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn FERC's approval of the expanded bilateral market.

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