FERC Order 1920
MISO reaffirmed its commitment to its second, $25 billion long-range transmission portfolio while stakeholders asked the RTO to be mindful of river crossings and whether it may reassign developers for the first LRTP portfolio’s projects in Iowa.
FERC Order 1920 could help move the bar significantly on more efficiently expanding the transmission grid, but its ultimate success depends on how it and other policies are implemented, stakeholders say.
FERC has received rehearing requests on Order 1920 ranging from stakeholders who just want to see a few tweaks, to those who prefer the commission trash the entire order and start over.
The states that filed for a rehearing of FERC Order 1920 on transmission planning and cost allocation either argue the federal regulator is overstepping its authority or want changes to the order to ensure it doesn’t upset ongoing regional planning efforts.
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said Order 1920 will make it easier for states to address the changes facing the industry.
The 2024 Mid-America Regulatory Conference showcased a tug-of-war of positivity and cynicism over meeting growing demand with a fleet that should evolve faster to meet clean energy goals.
Emily Chen, an analyst with FERC’s Office of Energy Market Regulation, gave a briefing on Orders 1920 and 1977 to members of the NYISO Management Committee during a joint meeting with the ISO’s Board of Directors.
PJM stakeholders received updates on the RTO's plan for long-range transmission planning and utilities' supplemental projects to deal with growing data center load.
Speaking at the Exelon Innovation Expo, Phillips stressed FERC Order 1920's innovative approach to long-term planning for regional transmission, with a focus on reliability, affordability and sustainability.
Stakeholder groups submitted comments to FERC last week in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to create a new longer-term transmission planning process to facilitate more forward-looking transmission investments to meet looming needs.
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