generator interconnection queue
SPP stakeholders endorsed a tariff revision request that adds a winter resource adequacy requirement for load-responsible entities bound by the grid operator’s recent planning reserve margin increase.
FERC accepted SPP tariff revisions that clarify its interconnection customers’ financial security refund.
NYISO took another stab at clarifying the proposed class year queue window concept that will replace its current interconnection queue processes.
An ACORE report found billions of dollars that PJM's queue reforms could unlock in the next few years, but added that proactive transmission planning could lead to even more renewables and their associated benefits being added to the grid.
MISO appears set on restricting the interconnection requests it will accept and will present a straw proposal at the July 19 Planning Advisory Committee meeting.
MISO membership and executives last week discussed how to hasten the construction of more than 40 GW of generation projects that have permission to connect to the grid but haven’t been built.
At Infocast’s Transmission & Interconnection Summit, experts said interconnection requests continue to grow and grid operators have tried to keep pace.
CAISO began a new stakeholder process to achieve "transformative improvements" to its overloaded interconnection queuing and management processes.
NYISO left TPA Subcommittee members bewildered when it presented a revised proposal for overhauling its interconnection study process.
FERC partially approved Public Service Company of Colorado's rules to streamline interconnection by limiting the number of speculative projects in the queue.
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