February 23, 2025

generator interconnection queue

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FERC OKs Inflation-based Bump to MISO Queue Entry Fee
MISO has received FERC approval to hike up its non-refundable interconnection request application fee, required for generation developers to enter the queue.
DOE Releases Draft Interconnection Roadmap Aimed at Fixing Queues
A Department of Energy draft report focuses on limiting speculative projects to increase system reliability and reduce cost uncertainty.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
FERC Extends Interconnection Queue Compliance Deadline
FERC extended the compliance deadline for its interconnection queue rulemaking by four months, to April 3, 2024.
ISO-NE Provides More Detail on Order 2023 Compliance
ISO-NE is pursuing an alternative compliance pathway on FERC Order 2023 regarding storage resource interconnection, hoping to sidestep the need for “control technology,” the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
NYISO Unveils New Order 2023 Compliance Proposal at Inaugural IITF
NYISO at the inaugural IITF meeting presented a new proposal to reform its interconnection queue processes while complying with directives set out in FERC Order 2023.
CAISO Proposal Seeks to Address Interconnection Backlog

As CAISO grapples with an “unprecedented” surge in interconnection requests, it has proposed prioritizing requests in zones where transmission capacity now exists or is under development.

EDP Renewables
MISO Somewhat Open to COD Allowances in Interconnection Queue Rules
MISO signaled it's somewhat receptive to stakeholder ideas on loosening its commercial operation date deadlines in its generation interconnection queue.
MISO Relaxes Proposal on Stricter Queue Ruleset
MISO has compromised with stakeholders on a few details in its proposal to downsize the number of projects allowed in its generator interconnection queue.
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MISO: Reliability Risk Upped by 49 GW in Approved but Unbuilt Generation
MISO’s quarterly Board Week explored the reasons behind its growing number of generation projects that have the stamp of approval to connect to the system but remain unbuilt.
The Boldt Co.
MISO to Assess Extending Queue’s COD Grace Period
In light of stressed-out supply chains and a bogged-down study process, MISO has agreed to re-evaluate its rules around commercial operation dates in its interconnection queue.

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