September 29, 2024

greenhouse gas (GHG)

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RGGI Studies Find Economic Benefits for Participants, Little Impact to Pa. Energy Prices
Two recent reports found that participation in RGGI produces economic benefits and that Pennsylvania would see a small change in power prices should it join.
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
CARB Approves Clean Locomotives Regulation
The California Air Resources Board approved groundbreaking rules requiring passenger, freight and switcher locomotives to decarbonize in the next three decades.
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Nevada Bill Would Require Gas Company Efficiency, GHG Plans
The bill would require natural gas utilities to file a plan every three years; it's intended to make natural gas planning more transparent.
Carbon Capture Coalition
EPA Reportedly Soon to Release Rule on Power Plant CO2 Limits
EPA is poised to issue rules that would require all coal and gas-fired power plants to reduce or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040.
California Rolls Toward Zero-emission Locomotives
The California Air Resources Board plans to vote on a regulation requiring new switcher locomotives to be zero-emitting by 2030 and freight locomotives by 2035.
Oregon State Archives
Climate Roadmap Urges Oregon to Step Up Actions
Oregon is a long way from meeting its 2035 GHG reduction target but should nonetheless advance that goal by five years, a state commission said.
Enviros Demand NJ Move Faster on 100% EV Rule
Supporters of New Jersey’s efforts to adopt California’s ACC II rule urged officials to move faster, citing the danger of missing a crucial year-end deadline.
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EPA’s Becker Breaks Down $32B of Federal Funding for Decarbonization
EPA's KC Becker presented stakeholders with new opportunities to access funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act.
Emissions Bill Stalls in New Mexico Senate
A net zero bill unveiled by New Mexico lawmakers has already stumbled, failing to advance out of a Senate committee.
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NARUC Panel Calls for Clean Energy, GHG Emissions Tracking Standards
Clean energy buyers all face a common challenge: figuring out how to keep track of both the clean energy they use and the carbon emissions they cut.

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