Illinois Citizens Utility Board (CUB)

PJM Consumer Advocates File Complaint on EE Market Design
Three state consumer advocates filed a complaint against PJM with FERC, alleging the RTO’s treatment of energy efficiency resources is unduly discriminatory and is not properly documented in its governing documents. 
5 PJM States Considering Bills to Require Utilities to File Stakeholder Votes
Legislators in five states in PJM have filed similar bills that would require regulated utilities to submit all of their stakeholder votes publicly with state regulators.
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PJM Stakeholders Approve New CONE Area for ComEd over Consumer Opposition
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee overrode concerns from Illinois consumer advocates and regulators to create a fifth cost of new entry area for the Commonwealth Edison region.
Illinois Regulators Hear from RTOs on Summer Readiness
The Illinois Commerce Commission questioned MISO and PJM officials on their respective RTOs’ preparations for summer, with some concerned about reliability.
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PJM Stakeholders Reject Clean Energy Requirement for Board
PJM stakeholders rejected a proposal from the Illinois CUB to require that at least one member of the Board of Managers have clean energy qualifications.
PJM Stakeholders Pump the Brakes on ‘Clean Energy Expertise’ for Board
PJM members said they want more time to consider a proposal to require the board to include “expertise in the transition to zero-carbon energy resources.”

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