September 29, 2024

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

DOE Awards $3B to Tackle Gaps, Challenges in US Battery Supply Chain
DOE has selected 25 battery supply chain projects to receive $3 billion in grants from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, according to an announcement.
Goldman-Sachs Renewables
Berkeley Lab: Solar-storage Hybrids Reshaping the Grid
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Tri-State G&T
USDA Program Offers $7.3B to 16 Rural Cooperatives
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced more than $7.3 billion in financing for 16 rural cooperatives through its New ERA program.
DOE Awards $240M for City, State Building Performance Standards
The Department of Energy aims to help cities and states reduce emissions with more than $240 million in grants to promote the adoption of building performance standards
NetZero Analysis: Industry Leaders Share Frank Views on the IRA at 2
To gain a deeper understanding of how the IRA is being implemented, NetZero Insider invited several industry leaders to talk about their views on the law.
The IRA at 2: A Mixed Record of Achievement and Uncertainty

Signed into law Aug. 16, 2022, the IRA is the largest federal investment in climate and clean energy action in history, and leading up to the IRA’s second anniversary, the Department of Energy and other agencies have heralded the law’s impact and benefits.

American Clean Power
ACP: $500B in Clean Energy Investments Announced in Two Years
The American Clean Power Association reports that U.S. clean energy investments announced over the past two years have reached a half-trillion dollars. 
EPA Announces $4.3B in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
Pennsylvania will use its $396.1 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant on a statewide initiative to cut greenhouse gas emissions from industrial buildings through incentives for energy efficiency and emission-reduction technologies.
Report: Home Retrofit Benefits Maxed by Combining Fed Funds with Other Sources
ACEEE published a paper showing how states can maximize the impact of federal funds for home energy retrofits.
Biden Doubles Down on Support for US Solar Manufacturing
The administration’s focus on growing a healthy, competitive solar supply chain combines Biden’s drive to stimulate private investment in clean tech manufacturing and jobs and bipartisan concerns about Chinese trade practices.

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