Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
An ACORE report says solar and wind can be deployed cheaply and quickly to meet the country’s rapidly escalating demand growth, while providing support for natural gas and nuclear plants.
Calls to consider a dissolved or weakened Inflation Reduction Act alongside appeals for stronger MISO South planning epitomized the tough situation and unsteady political climate MISO finds itself in as it tries to establish transmission planning expectations.
Attendees at Yes Energy's annual summit, EMPOWER 25, discussed the Trump administration, pending ERCOT market changes, the future of wind power generation and uses for artificial intelligence, among other topics.
Uncertainty around federal funding, permitting approvals and tariffs is creating major challenges for clean energy development in the Northeast, industry representatives said at NECA’s annual Renewable Energy Conference.
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy looked into demand growth, which both parties recognized as an opportunity that could benefit policy changes, though plenty of daylight exists on how to address it.
The U.S. electric power industry faces unprecedented challenges from the size, pace and impacts of demand growth and should look to new approaches for possible solutions, according to speakers at NASEO’s Energy Policy Outlook Conference.
The U.S. has enough solar panel manufacturing capacity to produce more than 51 GW of panels per year, with another 17.5 GW under construction and 23.5 GW of additional capacity announced.
D.C. District Court Judge Loren AliKhan issued a temporary restraining order on OMB from pausing all federal grants and loans.
The Energy Association's 21st Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum reflected the quickly shifting landscape of national energy policy and the resulting shift in industry priorities and narratives.
While Trump's order calls for “a reliable, diversified and affordable supply of energy,” it omits any mention of solar, wind or storage and makes only passing reference to transmission as part of its definition of generation.
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