Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO’s exploratory study on alleviating near-term transmission congestion has led the RTO to consider adding near-term economic benefits to its existing long-term economic planning.
MISO's August demand rose compared to a year ago, while prices dropped by nearly two-thirds.
Senior executives from all seven ISO/RTOs discussed how the changing resource mix is impacting reliability.
The Organization of MISO States’ sixth annual survey on amounts of distributed energy resources in MISO tracked a nearly 1 GW rise in residential DERs year over year.
MISO signaled it's somewhat receptive to stakeholder ideas on loosening its commercial operation date deadlines in its generation interconnection queue.
FERC remained dissatisfied with PJM’s and SPP’s FTR credit policies, while ending inquiries into those of CAISO, ISO-NE and NYISO.
MISO is off the hook as far as having to conduct annual cost-benefit analyses for its major transmission projects, FERC has ruled.
MISO says it continues research to gauge the quantity of generating attributes it might prescribe for its fleet.
MISO has compromised with stakeholders on a few details in its proposal to downsize the number of projects allowed in its generator interconnection queue.
MISO announced it must conduct more analysis on three new substations proposed by Entergy for expedited treatment in the RTO’s annual planning cycle.
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