Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
MISO appears set on restricting the interconnection requests it will accept and will present a straw proposal at the July 19 Planning Advisory Committee meeting.
A comfortable result for MISO's 2023/24 auction does not guarantee sufficient capacity during the coming summer, executives said.
MISO membership and executives last week discussed how to hasten the construction of more than 40 GW of generation projects that have permission to connect to the grid but haven’t been built.
The cost estimate for MISO’s and SPP’s package of 345-kV lines meant to facilitate the interconnection of generation at the seams has nearly doubled, the RTOs have said in the past week.
MISO said it’s on track this year to map out the new transmission lines it will require under the second portfolio of its long-range transmission plan to keep the grid stable.
At Infocast’s Transmission & Interconnection Summit, experts said interconnection requests continue to grow and grid operators have tried to keep pace.
In a June 5 response to FERC, MISO defended its plan to bar renewable energy from supplying ramping reserves.
MISO said the money it must expend on payroll and medical benefits will push it over budget through the end of the year.
MISO is developing possible project alternatives for the most expensive projects proposed this year in the South region under MTEP 23.
MISO announced that it will likely be forced to renew the system support resource agreement of a Missouri coal plant for almost two more years.
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